Details for this torrent 

Mechwarrior Trilogy v.2
Games > PC
12.7 GB

mechwarrior mech mech warrior
+5 / -0 (+5)

Jan 18, 2009

Thanks to everyone for their feedback on the previous release which helped refine this one.

Enclosed is just about every version of the Mechwarrior series of games that has been produced. In addition, due to feedback received the following titles have been changed to bin/cue format:

Powerhits Battletech (DOSBox required)
Mechwarrior 2 DOS/Win
Mechwarrior 2 3DFX DOS/Win
Mechwarrior 2 Win95 w/ XP update
Mechwarrior 2 Ghost Bear Legacy DOS/Win
Mechwarrior 2 Mercenaries DOS/Win
Mechwarrior 2 Mercenaries 3DFX DOS/Win

The following titles have not been changed since the original release:

Mechwarrior 3 Gold Edition
Mechwarrior 4 Vengence
Mechwarrior 4 Black Knight
Mechwarrior 4 Mercenaries
Mechwarrior 4 Inner Sphere Mech Pack
Mechwarrior 4 Clan Mech Pack

Now, since I know a lot of you no longer have older Windows 98/ME systems around I have tried to the best of my ability to check that the enclosed titles do work on Windows XP systems. Here are the titles that I can personally attest to working correctly on XP SP1 or SP2 (SP3 do not even try it will not work):

Mechwarrior 4 Vengence
Mechwarrior 4 Black Knight
Mechwarrior 4 Mercenaries
Mechwarrior 3 (may encounter issues on newer ATI video cards)
Mechwarrior 2 Win95 w/ XP update
Mechwarrior 2 Ghost Bear Legacy DOS Win

Unable to verify but are known to work:

Mechwarrior 2 Titanium Trilogy
Mechwarrior 2 Mercenaries DOS/Windows
Powerhits Battletech (DOSBox required)

If any of you have any trouble getting these titles to work here are some good places to visit that I used during testing these titles: (requires registration for forum access)


Wow...Thanks for the upload. Getting poor speeds at the moment. Hope it gets faster. I've been a while since i've played these games. Cheers!

Sorry about the slow speeds I've only really got two systems I can seed this on and it's slow going. I'm hoping that as more people complete their downloads that more seeding will help speed things up.
Its all cool. Speeds are getting faster now and i'll get it eventually. I'll be seeding this too for some time. But dude thanks a bunch for the upload. Its gona make my day and i cant wait to play them all. :3

Some people have been having issues running the Titanium series of titles under XP. If so please download the following patches:;7652725;/fileinfo.html;7652724;/fileinfo.html;7652723;/fileinfo.html

I've tried these patches myself and they do appear to work correctly. Just be sure NOT to use the mini-ISO option otherwise you may encounter audio issues.

I was able to get it working normally under Vista but with one caveat. The game does not like working with the ATI Radeon HD 2600 XT, ATI Radeon HD 2900 XT, ATI Radeon HD 3650, ATI Radeon HD 3850, ATI Radeon HD 3870, ATI Radeon HD 4850, or ATI Radeon HD 4870.

But, if you have an NVIDIA-based video card you should not have a problem. But if you do go to and there is a lot of information there to help troubleshoot any issue you may have.

It would not be this bad if people would stop seeding after 150% and would up their seeding time. I've been near constantly seeding this torrent and I STILL have yet to see more than 4 people keeping things up. -_-

Ok. I loaded it. I try to seed whenever i can. But, i have a problem with the black knight. If you try to go to the mechlab or play instant action there comes an error what says that cannot locate a file what should be found on the content\scriptstrings\graphics. problem is, that there is no graphics folder. Do anyone know why there is not that folder? I have tried to reinstall but it wont help.

Try looking at the comments here and see if this helps resolve the issue:
Thanks for the upload; I've confirmed that all MW4 content works, except for the IS mech pack, which won't work for some reason... It installs without problems, but the mechs are simply not there.

Well, it could be worse - it could have been the Clan pack :)
Oh, forgot to mention my system stats... I run Vista Home Premium 32... No problem (with MW4 at least).
Yes but i downloaded this and did what it said about it and it didnt work!

I tried installing it on my system and was not able to replicate the error you are having. The folder you are missing is supposed to be installed with MW4 and if you are not seeing it something happened during the update after you installed Black Knight.

The only thing I can re-iterate is that you need to install MW4 first, then install the MW4 update located in the patch folder, then install Black Knight, and finally use the NO CD update. If you are already installing in this order then I do not know what else to tell you to help.

Where are you looking when you say the mechs are missing? If you are looking in the meklab during single player you will not see them there since they are only to be used during multiplayer. You can see note of this here:

Now if you are not seeing them in the multiplayer meklab do let me know and I'll see if I can replicate the issue.

the Mech Packs, arent working..

they install with out a hitch.
the install, and say insert correct cd and restart app. hit OK. and says sucessfully installed, then i take the cracked .exe and then run the app(mechpack) from the menu after install, and it loads the game, but do NOT see the mechpacks, or the extra mechs in the instant action/multiplayer.

legit copy of MW4:V
legit copy of MW4:BK

Download Version of Mercs (works, bit now just have V and BK installed

downloaded version of
both the MechPacks, they install, none actually work, no errors, just nothing.

Ran patch after BK installed, to patch Vengeance (V) to 3.0 and BK to 1.0
then i inistalled the MEchPacks.

uninstalled and reinstalled. delted prefetch history/folder, removed any values in registry. rebooted
and installed again, same issue.

any1 else?
Great stuff - have not played the older games in years - can someone tell me how to make use of the Mech2 files that are BIN - do I remane to ISO and burn? Thanks
can you please send me a mechwarrior 4 only torrent( original, 2 expansions and mech packs) if its not too much work thanks :) (
P.S 12 gigs is way more that i could handle,unless i wana pay 30$ for every gig over 10 gigs. that would mean so much to me, i already have like all the others, other that mechwarrior 4
MechWarrior 3 has problems with its physics engine on my XP machine with its ATI Radeon X300... It runs fine on my Windozer 98 box, but in compatibility mode on my XP box, the physics engine in-game is all screwed up - when an APC goes over a bump, or when a 'Mech uses jumpjets, they continue going upwards forever. Solution for people with problems on ATI graphics cards: use software rendering in a Windows 98 virtual machine. It's ugly but it works.
@ kzaborny

The MW2 games are in .bin/.cue format. Mount the .cue file (which is always the smaller of the two files) as you would an ISO. Daemon Tools and Alcohol 52%/120% can mount a .bin/.cue, if whatever app you're using won't. I've never burned a .bin/.cue, and I don't know any apps that can, but Daemon Tools Pro can convert them to an .iso, which can be burned by almost any CD burning app.
@ Rage323

You can select which files you want to download; you never have to download a whole torrent. In uTorrent, you can select which files you want when you open the .torrent file; if you have already started the download, select the torrent and click on the Files tab above the bottom pane, select everything you don't want, right-click on them and click "Don't Download"

Sorry about posting so much, I just feel helpful today :P
Heh, just wanted to say thanks for the upload, thanks to the seeders and thanks to everyone for the quick responseswhen people need help. Possibly the best torrent i've ever seen
Hi, I´m just downloading.
Anyone got MW4 to work on Vista 64?
yo, RavanaMaster, im using FlashGet, is it da same there to?
This might seem like a stupid question but the folder in the download is named "Mechwarrior 2 Win95". Does this mean that there's no Mechwarrior 2 DOS version with the download? And are the other DOS/Win Mechwarrior 2'sa hybrid or something?
seed plz
As far as I know all these MW2 copies should be able to load/install under DOS or DOSBox. It seems like no matter what they did with the games it still loaded under DOS.
And if I remember correctly (It has been a long time since I ran or seen the Windows 95 version in the late 90s) the "Windows 95" version of MW2:31CC is more of an upgraded version to work better with the Windows 95 environment. It did have NetMech95 which can only be ran under Win95 and Win98, but the single player game should still work fine in DOSBox.
If you want more detailed information I would suggest checking out the forums at, there are allot of die-hard MW2 fans in there that would be more than willing to help you with about anything you want to know about MW2.
I stand corrected, the 3DFX and Titanium versions will not load under DOS (or at least DOSBox).
geez this seeds slow. 12 hours + 6 seeds and still only 6%.. does the background music for mechwarrior 2 + expansions play? thats really all im looking for... found another torrent of mw2 thats only 120megs but it has no musics..
i dont know why but i cant read the first page of comments. i click page 1 and it just refreshes this page, really annoying. Anyways, i cant get it to work heh. I am running like an unupdated sp1 of xp i think, and i installed mechwarrior 2 (win 95 version). I guess i should have downloaded the dos/win version instead. stupid me. The install runs fine... then i try to run the win95 patch and it says cannot find mechwarrior 2 on your hard drive.. uhh... ok. it does not let you specify where exactly to look for it either. so that failed. tried to run the xp update and it says .dll doesnt match. manually copied the win95 updated files to the directory and then the xp patch says it works... tried running in compatibility mode. doesnt work. any ideas? i guess i can try to download the dos version but tbh this seeds so slow im about to just give up. heh
wow i finally got them to work. if u have trouble like i did, try downloading a separate 'titanium trilogy windows 95 xp' patch because the included patch didnt work at all for me. but now it is working great with full texture support. however there is no music of course. i wonder if you could manually create an iso with audio tracks from the mp3 files. gonna try that next. cheers, seeding
OK, am I missing something? "Mechwarrior 2 DOS/Win" is not actually in the torrent, though "Mechwarrior 2 Ghost Bear Legacy DOS/Win" and
"Mechwarrior 2 Mercenaries DOS/Win" are.
As far as I can tell, the Win versions can't be installed under DOSBox. Not a problem if you're running Windows, but I'm on a Mac so I can't run setup.exe.
I figured out how to get MechWarrior 3 running with *no* problems on Windows 7, this should work for XP/Vista as well: you have to force V-Sync to always be ON through your graphics card's driver application, it works best for me if I set my monitor's refresh rate to 60 or 72 hertz.
Update: I encountered a few small bugs; after patching to 1.2, using the No-CD crack and setting it to run in Winodws 98/ME compatability mode with visual themes and desktop composition disabled, they all disappeared and MechWarrior 3 is just as stable as it was on Windows 98; I've been playing it for 7-8 hours straight with no problems :D
Anyone having problems getting MW2 working, see I got all versions working witht the first method
Wow... he even included the cult classic MW2 soundtrack!! Amazing torrent!
having difficulties here, would much appreciate assistance.

while installing MW4 on my pc (windows vista home premium) there seemed to be no problems. i then attempted to apply the no cd patch (after installing all the stuff in this order: vengence>black knight>mercenaries) and it comes up with the following error:
"Could not find 'MissionLang.dll" and it all falls apart. what am i to do?

muchas gracias for the help.
Very slow download.. 8 seeds @ 245kb/s; says it'll be about 14 hours or so until finished. :/ It'll be worth is though.. Thanks for the upload, pjladyfox!
downloaded mw3, i can't get it to install on vista-64... when i run setup, nothing happens... go to task manager and it's running... setup.exe, 32-bit launcher... memory usage starts at 2mb and stagnates at about 2.5mb... this happens with numerous installers, and i haven't a clue how to get about it...
This torrent promises "Mechwarrior 2 DOS/Win", but all I see is the 3dfx version not the original.
I cant seem to be able to run MW4 Mercenaries on window 7 64bit any ideas/help to let me play it?
If you're wanting to play MW4 Mercs you're better off going to MekTek and getting their free version. It works perfectly with Win7 and comes with all the expansions, not to mention the MekTek folks added a bunch of new mechs and weapons from the tabletop game.